Steps to Finding the Right Church for You


Are you interested in finding the right church for you? What if you could visit every single church? I mean… how in the world would that be possible? How could you possibly decide which church was best for you? You wouldn’t know which Christian Church in Houston was good for you unless you tried it.

Not all denominations are the same, so if you are not aware of this fact, you only have to go to one church in a given week and another church the following week. Even if these two churches belong to the same denomination or religion tradition, they will be very different experiences, wouldn’t they? Each church will be quite different in its worship, its focus, ethos, mission statement, ethos, goals and priorities. Two totally different churches. If you are not aware of this fact, try to look at it for a few weeks. Which church would you prefer?

A quick note here: Some denominations, such as the Roman Catholics, Lutherans and Baptists have a tradition of laying their pastor or bishop before a group of people and reading a short poem during services. When the pastor or Bishop dies, they are succeeded by either a novice who is either recently ordained or a member of a supervisory committee, such as an oversight board. Some supervisory members of these churches may, after serving a short period of time, ascend to the top position. This is usually done by a vote of a majority/ plurality of members present at the meeting.

Now, back to your question. Finding the church for you? Here is what you will want to look for: worship that is meaningful to you. Is the focus of their worship centered around the Bible, Christ, the Spirit, redemption or some other theme? Sometimes a particular denomination will get into trouble when it comes to this concern, as some churches are not interested in a “Christian” experience.

Another key thing to consider is who is calling the shots in your church. Are you going to see your pastor every week? If so, you should not be afraid to openly communicate with your pastor. This person is the person who will be ultimately responsible for how you experience your church. Make sure you get to know your pastor well. Some churches may have a “one way” relationship where the pastor has a “encyclical” role, but not the full leadership role that you would expect.

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